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🚨 Alerting

Get alerts for:

  • Hanging LLM api calls
  • Failed LLM api calls
  • Slow LLM api calls
  • Budget Tracking per key/user:
    • When a User/Key crosses their Budget
    • When a User/Key is 15% away from crossing their Budget
  • Failed db read/writes

Quick Start

Set up a slack alert channel to receive alerts from proxy.

Step 1: Add a Slack Webhook URL to env

Get a slack webhook url from

Step 2: Update config.yaml

Let's save a bad key to our proxy

model_name: "azure-model"
model: "azure/gpt-35-turbo"
api_key: "my-bad-key" # 👈 bad key

alerting: ["slack"]
alerting_threshold: 300 # sends alerts if requests hang for 5min+ and responses take 5min+

Set SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL in your proxy env


Step 3: Start proxy

$ litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml